Friday, September 3, 2010

Boys in the backyard

It is fun to watch Ruffy, Kiyoshi, and Nicholas run and play together in the backyard. Ruffy has become more playful the past two days, but he needs to sharpen his play skills. He's like the annoying kid on the playground; Whatever toy you have, I want it, and I'm taking it, and I'm not sharing it with you.

He has no idea how to play fetch, which neither Nicholas nor Kiyoshi understand.

Ruffy and Kiyoshi play together sometimes, but other times I think they just harass each other. At least it's not all one sided. They seem to take turns bothering one another. However, Ruffy is most definitely the one more likely to bully my little Kiyoshi, and that behavior gets nipped in the bud right quick. Kiyoshi usually just tries to entice Ruffy to play with him, and doesn't really understand that Ruffy doesn't yet know how to play well. It is so funny when Kiyoshi prompts Ruffy to play and whether he gets a response or not, he starts running around the yard in big super fast circles! It is quite as sight! And it's good exercise, as he's out of breath from all the sprinting. Today Ruffy joined in the chase, and Nicholas and I cheered them both on, clapping and calling, "Go, Kiyoshi, Go! ~ Run, Ruffy, Run!" It was so exhilarating, Nicholas just had to join in! " Go, Nicholas! Run! Run! Run!"

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